Sunrex Technology Co., Ltd.
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  • Home / CSR Overview / Enterprise certification
  • Enterprise certification

    A Long-Term Partner Worthy of Your Trust

    Providing customers with high-quality products and services has always been Sunrex’s core goal. In addition to continuously learning and growing internally, we also seek help from external sources to obtain even more credible sources of recognition. Therefore, we continuously strive to obtain third party certifications, showing that Sunrex has achieved a strong sense of system/organization in its policies, production activities, and management operations, and, that Sunrex is indeed a reliable long-term partner that you can trust.

    In order to conform to the policies of many of our brand name customers, Sunrex has made significant efforts to introduce strict green product certifications from Europe, the Unites States, and Japan, making it one of the few PC peripherals manufacturers that have obtained certifications from multiple brand name customers.

    Currently, Sunrex has passed the following certifications:
